My six-year old daugther is talented! 🙂
March 2008
Not a postcard, but this is the lovely notecard my sister Jessica sent with all the goodies she mailed me from her trip 🙂 A keeper! Art by Kayomi Harai.
An official postcrossing card … I love it! For a fascinating photo-journal of a family’s tour through this beautiful region of Europe, visit I spent hours there just looking at photos and now am slowly making my way through the written journal of this family’s 14-month tour of Europe! I think this area of southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland must house the most beautiful places on Earth!
This is in return from an official postcrossing card I sent … and I love it! Love the language … the photo … the sentiment! Thank you for the generous return card! 🙂
This from my penpal in Finland. When I first saw the card I thought it was an official postcrossing card … and I was not happy because I’m not fond of animal cards. But then … I saw it was a happy Easter card from my friend! She says that this is much more a symbol of Easter in Finland rather than our USA Easter Bunny. Now I love this card! 🙂
South Rose Window — gorgeous.
I love this map because it shows the terrain as well as the places! The card says that Scotland’s population of 5.1 million live in only 3% of the total land area, which equals 79,000 km.
What a lovely view!
This unique view shows the Royal Crescent, the Circus and the Assembly Rooms in Bath.
Another fabulous “must-see” destination!