Hi there! I’m Renae Gregoire, a life-long postcard lover.
Pleased to meet you
I am:
Married with three children, ages 23, 22, and 21
A marketing writer, working remotely from home
Living in the mountains of western North Carolina
A former resident of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Florida
A graduate of the University of South Florida: BA, accounting
Earner of a master’s certificate in technical and professional writing
A lover and student of the written word
I love:
A well-turned phrase
Colorful things
The sound of the German language
Paper – all colors, textures, bindings
Office supply store “stuff”
Listening to audiobooks
Visiting new places
Exploring galleries and shops
Learning new things
Hugs from my children
Philly pretzels
Bookstores and libraries
I wish:
I could be a full-time student
I could travel the world
I had enough time to do everything I wanted
I could live up to my own high expectations
I collect postcards with:
Busy city street scenes
Aerial city views
Unique buildings
Modern architecture
Art museums
Universities (not sports-related)
Art by local/native artists
Bright, vibrant colors that tell of the people, places, and things of your land
I don’t like postcards with:
Indistinct landscapes
Views that could be from anywhere
Images that would be inappropriate for children
Want to swap? Email me: renae@thelaptoptraveler.com!