I still have yet to find the right piece of pounamu, or greenstone, jewelry for me … although I did pick up an inexpensive non-Jade piece symbolizing “eternity” like the middle piece shown here. From the back: “New Zealand is famous for its greenstone, mainly found on specific rivers in the South Islands. The carvings have become iconic treasures and souvenirs.”
“Not only is Devonport the home to many international standard shops, restaurants and beautiful waterfront parks, it also holds the secret of New Zealand’s Naval Heritage in the Navy Museum. Only minutes by ferry from downtown Auckland, Devonport also offers spectacular views from its extinct volcano Mt. Victoria.”
Thanks to Maria for this very cool series of three cards put out by the Graduate School at the University of Auckland! This card, representing the U.S., shows a DONUT, which shows what the designers think of us in the States 🙂 From the back of the cards: “Add the world to your degree. Immerse yourself in another culture. Attend lectures on the other side of the world. Have an adventure of a lifetime! The 360-degree Auckland Abroad student exchange programme gives you the opportunity to complete part of your University of Auckland degree overseas. With over 80 partner universities in 24 countries, there are 360 degrees of exciting possibilities. Where will you go? www.auckland.ac.nz/360”
I would love to see this in person one day! From the card: “The Moeraki Boulders are scattered along the beach at Moeraki, 40km south of Oamaru. The soft mudstone containing the boulders was raised from the seabed around 15 million years ago, and the boulders are being exposed as the cliffs are eroded by the sea.” Otago is on the southern part of the South Island. (Thanks to Maria for this latest batch of cards, too!)